Today it announces a series A funs raise to the tune of £1.5 million ($2.4m) from European venture capital firm, DFJ Esprit. The London startup plans to grow its platform and extend internationally with this extra firepower. Nic Brisbourne, partner at DFJ Esprit, will be joining the board at Conversocial as non-executive director.
People now expect replies on social media, ‘in public’ and in real time, however hard this is to achieve. Ignore or even delete something and a brand is dead meat. So marketing and customer support is happening in the same space at the same time. Conversocial takes all interactions between users and companies on Facebook and Twitter and provides team workflow, marketing analysis and customer support tools.
Launched in July 2010, counts ITV, Mediacom, Tupperware and Groupon as customers. Conversocial was spun out of iPlatform, UK-based Facebook application development companies, set up by Conversocial CEO Joshua March and co-founder Dan Lester in 2008.