Germany, as usual for newer technologies, will pave the way for driving sales in the foreseeable future. It'll make up a fourth of all sales between 2011 and 2018, while manufacturing will also find a steady home, concentrated in Germany by companies such as BASF, Fraunhofer, Philips and others.
Accordingly, Germany should bring in $360 million for OLED panels by 2016.
The UK will follow in second place for revenues over the forecasted period, drumming up $210 million by 2016.
Because the UK has been getting rid of incandescent bulbs earlier than the rest in Europe there will be a space for OLED panels. It also houses companies specialising in OLED like CDT, E2M, Lomox and PolyPhotonix, NanoMarkets says.
European companies will continue to be dominated the OLED market worldwide, with a select few powerhouses leading the charge, including Philips, Osram and Blackbody.
Read more: http://www.techeye.net/hardware/europe-to-dominate-oled-panel-market#ixzz1NFbAtgM9