GDP is “the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country.” TradeEconomics.com, who created the chart above, report that the US GDP “expanded 1.8% during the first quarter of 2011 compared to the previous quarter”. From the looks of that, it appears that the Great Recession is behind us and the nation has recovered. The bonus checks for their CEOs seem to reflect that.
As an example of how what’s good for the GDP is not always good for the individual, take health care: rising costs may be tough on families, but it boosts the GDP. “The GDP is a truly terrible measure of things that really matter,” says James Gus Speth. “Finally, there’s a broad consensus on this point. For the first time there’s a chance that this concern will move out of academic and research circles and become a real policy question.” -Time

Unemployment and underemployment are still both dangerously high, incomes for most Americans have fallen, the foreclosure crisis continues, the price for basic staples and health care continue to rise, and the vast majority of the country is still stuck in this mother of all Recessions, that ultimately can only be compared to the Great Depression.

GDP also ignores activity that may enhance well-being but is outside the market. The unpaid work of parents caring for their children at home doesn’t show up in GDP, but if they decide to work outside the home and pay for child care, GDP suddenly increases. And even though $1 in income means a lot more to the poor than to the rich, GDP takes no account of income distribution. In short, GDP was never intended to be a measure of citizens’ welfare — and it functions poorly as such. Yet it is used as a surrogate appraisal of national well-being in far too many circumstances. -LA Times
The Gini Coefficient is where the narrow GDP metric shows why it is grossly inaccurate. The gulf between rich and poor in some countries translates into the wealth simply not being shared. Southern Africa and The Americas have some of the most severe wealth inequalities on the planet. The developed world, in particular European countries, Japan, and Canada have the least amount of wealth consolidation.
There is a certain amount of disagreement regarding precisely how to measure this, but the CIA has Sweden, Hungary, and Norway topping the list with the US falling down at a pitiful 96th out of 135 measured, falling below Cameroon, Iran, Nigeria, Cambodia, and Egypt. As measured by the United Nations, Denmark, Japan and Sweden top the list with the US at 78th just behind Turkmenistan, Ghana, and Sri Lanka.
So why do we still use GDP as a measure of economic well-being when there is such an obvious disconnect between it and reality? If the economy expands by 1%, but that and more are gobbled up by the very rich, while incomes fall for the vast majority of the country, GDP expands but it doesn’t show how most people are worse off.
Genuine Progress Indicator
Quality of Life Index
The Legatum Prosperity Index
The Happy Planet Index 2.0
Human Development Index
Quality of Life Index
The Legatum Prosperity Index
The Happy Planet Index 2.0
Human Development Index

Where GDP treats things like crime, depletions of natural resources, and natural disasters as economic gain, the more accurate GPI does not. The Genuine Progress Indicator includes many other metrics instead.
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality-of-life index is based on a unique methodology that links the results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys to the objective determinants of quality of life across countries.

Family life
Community life
Material well being
Political stability and security
Climate and geography
Job security
Political freedom
Gender equality
Ireland, Switzerland, and Norway top the list, with the US coming in 13th.
The Legatum Prosperity Index is the world’s only global assessment of wealth and wellbeing; unlike other studies that rank countries by actual levels of wealth, life satisfaction or development, the Prosperity Index produces rankings based upon the very foundations of prosperity those factors that will help drive economic growth and produce happy citizens over the long term.
This metric combines a lot of different factors such as Economy, Entrepeneurship & Opportunity, Education, Health, Safety & Security, Governance, Personal Freedom, and Social Capital. The website is packed full of great information and interactive charts. The more socially conscious Nordic countries of Norway, Finland, and Denmark top the list, the US comes in 10th.
The HPI is an innovative measure that shows the ecological efficiency with which human well-being is delivered around the world. It is the first ever index to combine environmental impact with well-being to measure the environmental efficiency with which country by country, people live long and happy lives. The second compilation of the global HPI, published in July 2009, shows that we are still far from achieving sustainable well-being and puts forward a vision of what we need to do to get there.
The Index doesn’t reveal the ‘happiest’ country in the world. It shows the relative efficiency with which nations convert the planet’s natural resources into long and happy lives for their citizens. The nations that top the Index aren’t the happiest places in the world, but the nations that score well show that achieving, long, happy lives without over-stretching the planet’s resources is possible.
While the US has a huge economic output, the environmental factors provide a heavier counterbalance to the HPI, and the US comes in a dismal 114th. The more eco-friendly Costa Rica con la pura vida tops the list.
Somewhat connected to the term “standard of living”, the Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide.
Norway, Australia, and New Zealand top the more accurate inequality-adjusted list,with the US coming in at 12th, just ahead of Belgium and France.