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Upcoming Tech & Media Events

Already three weeks have past but we’re still high after The Next Web Conference in Amsterdam. (was epic!) find out what happened.
The last few couple of weeks we’ve been elsewhere however, to Germany in fact!
Next11: Data Love in Berlin was superb. Amongst 150 other speakers was our very own Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten andHermione Way. Plus we filled our special Next11 channel with full coverage of the event. Check it out if you missed it.
Ok, let’s crack on with other upcoming tech & media events you should be attending.
Would you like to have your conference or event listed here? Contact Sophie.
We’re also always happy to meet with TNW readers at events we’re attending. Contact us as well if you’d like to arrange a TNW meetup somewhere.
(*) denotes events we’ll be attending.
University students with entrepreneurial ambitions, pay attention!
The Intel® Challenge Europe is part of a global business plan competition for university students. Prizes include a trip to Silicon Valley and $20,000.
Read more here and contact Sara to apply for the competition. The deadline for participation is extended to 22nd May.
International Search Summit, May 18, London
The International Search Summit is partnering with SMX to run its global search and social media programme at SMX Advanced in London. Focusing specifically on international and multilingual topics, the summit will run on 18th May immediately after the two-day event. The agenda will be regularly updated with confirmed speakers and the Summit will cover a range of international SEO, PPC and Social Media topics. Combo or Summit only tickets are available.
TNW reader get a 15% discount here by using discount code THENEXTWEB011
(*)Liverpool Sound City, May 19-21, Liverpool
Liverpool Sound City combines an international perspective on the best in new music, art, film, photography, business, new tech, media and more in one of the world’s most legendary music cities. Plus features 400 bands and artists across the city of Liverpool alongside movie premieres, club nights, label showcases, art exhibitions and even football…
The 2 days of conference featuring key innovators like Simon Raymone, Michael Briendbrucker and Alex White, and mavericks from all levels of international music, media, art and tech – and our highly respected Create strand, will educate the sharpest young minds and help young people find a way into the music and creative industries. This years apps panel will be moderated by our own blogger Matt Brian.
Use discount code “DELEGATELSC68″ and pay only £120 for a full delegate pass.
SMOC: Social Media Optimization Conference, May 23-24, San Francisco
Produced by Mediabistro and SocialTimes, Socialize Media Optimization Conference (SMOC) is a two-day event dedicated to social media optimization and social advertising. Boost search engine visibility, increase linkability, and fuel your readers’ desire to share your content. Industry leaders will also show you how to get results when advertising on the social web in terms of strategy, targeting, privacy, and metrics. Our experts include Brian Solis (author, Engage), Rohit Bhargava (SVP, Digital, Strategy & Planning Group), Gary Ware (Covario), and many more.
TNW readers save 15% with code “SXTNW’”! Register here
Prezi Day, May 24, Maarssen
An entire day with Prezi, inspiring guest speakers and interesting workshops. Prezi’s popularity increases each day and the programme is building its reputation of a true PowerPoint killer. We see more and more Prezis during events and company presentations. By using Prezi Meeting, it’s even possible to work on one Prezi with several people simultaneously.
Interesting guest speakers, like Vincent Everts and mind map inspirator Ed van Uden will join us this day. Community manager Zoltan Radnai of and Hedwyg van Groenendaal will give Master classes and we have live connection with designers, developers and founders of Prezi.
Use code “TNW” to receive a €50,- discount (from April 1). Sign up here.
(*)BlogWorld, May 24-26, NY
BlogWorld is the world’s largest blogging and social media conference, known worldwide for presenting internet luminaries, the most popular and knowledgeable bloggers, podcasters and social media thought leaders. This year’s event features great educational content, so new media content creators of all kinds will learn tips, technologies and methods for growing their brands, audiences and businesses online.
BlogWorld is THE place to network, look for business opportunities, collaborators, and of course find important resources in the New Media Expo!
TNW Readers will receive a 20% discount on all conference registrations with the code TNW20.
(*)The Critters, May 25, London
The Critters will take you on a celebratory look back on the year that has been – awarding all the latest and greatest in UK web development and design with our inaugral Critter Awards.
We’ve got a panel of judges plotting and planning to come up with a shortlist in 9 different categories and we’ll be asking YOU to choose the winner on the evening.
The Critters is invite only, but we will be giving away tickets via Ubelly over the next two weeks.

Springfestival, June 1-5, Graz, Austria

Springfestival has emerged from the Noughties as one of the leading and most cutting-edge European festivals. During the day the brightest digital minds deliver talks on electronic art, design and technology at the festival’s forward-thinking springsessions conference. During the night springfestival captures the music Zeitgeist with a diverse line up of star DJs, acclaimed live acts and up and coming talent, playing for 4 nights at 6 stunning venues and urban spaces across Graz, a UNESCO World Heritage and UNESCO City of Design site.
TNW readers get 30% off on our All in One Ticket here by using code: thenextweb
The Business of Cloud Computing, June 13-15, San Diego, CA
Everyone is talking about cloud computing, but your business needs more than talk and buzzwords. You need to understand how to harness this enormous catalyst for change. In this forum you’ll hear from executives who have captured the savings, flexibility, security and scalability to enable their businesses to grow and innovate. You can’t afford to miss the lessons learned from such luminaries as Chris C. Kemp, Chief Technology Officer of IT at NASA, who leads Nebula, a federal cloud computing pilot.l Also hear from Fortune 500 company executives, start-ups, law firms, banking and educational institutions. In addition, learn about associations helping to set standards and mitigate risk in the cloud such as the Cloud Security Alliance and Open Grid Forum.
Get a 10% discount by using discount code “TNW2011″ here.
IAM’11, June 15-16, Amsterdam
IAM is the biggest event for online marketing in the Netherlands. Everything you need to know about hot topics such as: performance based marketing, social media, webdesign for conversion, email marketing, online advertising, analytics and online video & advertising. This is the online marketing update of the year, 1500 squared feet online expertise and over more than 90 workshops.
Registration is free!
AR Summit, June 16, London
June 16th, 2011, London, UK: Augmented Reality Summit is designed to explore this new dynamic reality and provide delegates with the perfect opportunity to uncover Augmented Reality in full and explore the opportunity’s AR brings any brand or company. The AR Summit is positioned at the forefront of this exciting continually developing new industry. Whether you are a Brand, Advertiser or Agency, Technology provider or Developer looking to meet key industry figures, keep up with the latest developments, technology’s & tools or simply to network with other from the world of AR
TNW readers get 25% off tickets here by using discount code “TNW2011″
Mobile 2.0 Europe – openIDEAS 2011 conference, June 16-17, Barcelona
Mobile 2.0 Europe – openIDEAS Conference is a Two-Day Event on June 16-17th, exploring the Future of Mobile Development and Innovation of an ever-changing Mobile Ecosystem.
(*)International Startup Festival, July 13-15, Montreal
The International Startup Festival is an event about the business of startups.
Focused on hot sectors like mobility, social networking, and gaming: There will be lots of startup pitches and experienced entrepreneurs delivering rich content.
To name a few…. Dave McClure, TNW2011 speaker veterans Howard Lindzon and Jeff Clavier, Tara Hunt and many more.
Media140, July 14-15, Perth
Following on from the success of our last event in Perth in 2010 we are returning to host a new event focusing on strategies, tools and approaches that can be used to help your business or organisation become more a customer centric one. Over two days industry thought leaders, entrepreneurs and thinkers from the US, Europe and Australia, working in the field of business transformation, marketing and community management will discuss and explore through keynotes, workshops and individual sessions, how to harness social technologies for your organisation.
As a TNW reader get 10% off here by using discount code “tnw140″.


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