While most vending machines serve their canned drinks cold, you sometimes pick up warm cans of soda from the supermarket or a nearby convenience store, and chilling those in the office pantry have you run the risk of having some unscrupulous colleague nick your drink without your knowledge. The USB Mini Fridge helps keep things personal, keeping your can drink cool right where you can watch it – by your computer. This (literally) cool device can also be used to keep cold drinks cool, even after all the ice inside has melted away. Just make sure you have an available USB port before picking up this $33 USB Mini Fridge. I would suggest purchasing a waterproof keyboard though, as the last time I checked, generic keyboards and liquids don’t mix too well.
The sites mentioned here, well most of them, solve at least one problem really well and they all have simple web addresses (URLs) that you can easily learn by heart thus saving you a trip to Google. 01. screenr.com – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube. 02. ctrlq.org/screenshots – for capturing screenshots of web pages on mobile and desktops. 03. goo.gl – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes . 04. unfurlr.come – find the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL. 05. qClock – find the local time of a city using a Google Map . 06. copypastecharacter.com – copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard. 07. postpost.com – a better search engine for twitter. 08. lovelycharts.com – create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc. 09. iconfinder.com – the best place to find icons of...