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Mastering The Art of Networking

We've probably all done it at one time or another: emptied our pockets the day after a big networking event, found a wad of business cards, and tried to recall, "Now, who were these people again? And why exactly did I think I wanted their cards?"
Collecting that fistful of cards is a reflex for many people who vaguely intend to make the most of such business opportunities. But taking more deliberate steps can yield better results.
"Lots of opportunities are wasted at business gatherings, because people often don't know how to turn a brief conversation into a relationship," observed Arlene Isaacs, president of Respectful Communications, whose coaching clients have included Fortune 50 CEOs, numerous entrepreneurs, a U.S. chief of protocol, and a Miss Universe.
Ms. Isaacs' prescription for networking effectively: Start with a clear idea of why you're attending a gathering and what you hope to get out of it.
If one of your goals is to introduce yourself to a luminary who'll be in attendance, research that person online ahead of time.
"Find some personal connection," she advised. "For example, maybe you grew up in the same state." Mention it when you meet. "That way, you'll stand out from the crowd."
An extremely informal survey of master schmoozers around town yielded a few other tips. Jot on the back of each business card that you collect "a few key bullet points" to remind you of why (or, indeed, whether) you want to stay in touch, said executive coach Roy Cohen, author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide.
While you're at it, why not snap pictures with your BlackBerry or iPhone?
"It's a great technique for remembering the people you met," he said. "Point, click and make it fun."
After everyone's gone home, Mr. Cohen added, send an immediate follow-up note, and consider a LinkedIn invitation: "A person's LinkedIn profile and contacts offer enough data to help you evaluate whether you'd benefit from further conversation."
Particularly for the introverts among us, working a room can be a lot of ... well, work. If it feels that way to you, Jennefer Witter, head of Manhattan public relations firm The Boreland Group Inc., has four words of advice for you: Keep at it anyway.
"Attend at least three or four networking events a month," she urged. "Networking is all about perseverance. Great results don't typically come from a single meeting."
What if you've networked your little heart out and followed up faithfully, but find that you're still not making enough of the right connections? You can always do what Avi Marko and Eli Mechlovitz did: Launch your own networking group.
The pair, co-founders of Brooklyn-based online retailer, started an informal club calledECommerce Vendors.
"We go to the usual trade shows and technology conferences," said Mr. Marko. "But at big events, you tend to meet a lot of people who really have nothing to do with what you're doing."
By contrast, members of ECommerce Vendors (numbering nine so far) are all Internet merchants. They meet one Tuesday evening a month for dinner in a private room at Abigael's on Broadway to "share information, swap referrals, and talk about challenges we're all dealing with," Mr. Marko said.
In the four months since ECommerce Vendors started, he added, recommendations from the group--including referrals to a new accountant, a branding agency and a search optimization consultant--have saved KidsSocks "hundreds of thousands of dollars."


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