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Showing posts from May 15, 2011

A few words about nuclear weapons technology..

Fission weapons Nuclear weapons exploit two principle physical, or more specifically nuclear, properties of certain substances:  fission  and  fusion . Fission is possible in a number of heavy elements, but in weapons it is principally confined to what is termed slow neutron fission in just two particular isotopes:  235 U and  239 Pu. These are termed  fissile , and are the source of energy in atomic weapons. An explosive chain reaction can be started with relatively slight energy input (so-called slow neutrons) in such material. An actual  239 Pu ingot, alloyed with gallium for improved physical properties Isotopes are 'varieties' of an element which differ only in their number of neutrons. For example, hydrogen exists as  1 H  2 H and  3 H -- different isotopes of the same chemical element, with no, one, and two neutrons respectively. All the chemical properties, and most of the physical properties, are the same between isotopes. ...

World Resources Map

Measure Up With Mini Finger-Mounted Gadget

Way back when humans first started trying to record things about their world and build things to fit into it, they used the most readily available measuring tools: their own bodies. Since then, measuring technology has come a long way: rulers, tape measures, odometers, and laser measuring tools now give us precise answers about the size and shape of things. But maybe it’s time to use our technological capabilities to help us get back to basics. As cool as a laser measurer may be, it is nowhere near as intuitive to use as your own body. The  Smart Finger measuring concept from Choi Hyung-Suk, Jung Ji-Hye and Yoo-Jin Park lets you use nothing more than your fingers to judge distances. The  two-piece device  slips over your thumb and forefinger – or any two fingers, even if they’re on two different people – and measures the time it takes for a signal to beam from one piece to the other. Rather than fiddling with a tape measure – holding down one end and trying to keep it st...

Amp Up a Laser Pointer

Your laser pointer could be doing so much more than highlighting PowerPoint slides and blowing your cat's mind. It could be sculpting ice, sparking campfires, or searing one bad mofo on your leather jacket. Here's how to give a standard pointer a power upgrade. This article is a  wiki . Got extra advice? Log in and add it. 1  Disassemble the unit by removing the batteries, opening the housing, and taking out the laser module. 2  Search the circuit board for a variable resistor. Resembling a tiny Phillips-head screw, it's the key to boosting the current. 3  To intensify the beam, use a small screwdriver to gently tighten the resistor. Just don't tighten it all the way — your cheapo laser will burn out instantly. 4  Reassemble and aim your potent pointer at safe targets like ice, wood, or plastic. (Please, no people, animals, or airplanes!)

Solar-powered collapsible lamp lights up when unfolded

Eco Factor:  Eco-friendly concept lamp powered by solar energy. Just yesterday we reported about the  MIA Electric flashlight  that transformed into a lamp when flipped open and today we have a solar-powered collapsible lamp that illuminates the surroundings when unfolded. Designed by  Jesper Jonsson , the collapsible lamp carries solar panels, which harvest energy during the day and store it in a battery. After dark, when the lamp is unfolded to expand its size, the onboard battery powers a set of bulbs inside the lamp to emit light. A strap with magnets has also been included to allow the user to hang the lamp in many different ways, whether it’s opened or closed.

Qualities of a good boss

We have all had excellent bosses and those that we would rather forget. Strong leadership has many traits that are the key to their success and great bosses possess the knowledge of when and how to use specific traits. Different situations require the leader to use different skills. Every leader also has their own style that they must utilize along with leadership skills to be a great boss. There are some qualities that are consistent with great bosses. Analytical thinking Every single day leaders face a lot of situations that require great analytical skills. When you are a boss, you are thrown in the middle of different situations with a lot of information being tossed around. What you do with that information, can make you or break you as a boss. Analytical thinkers have the ability to look at a problem or a situation and decipher out what the most critical facts are that they need. Personal prejudices and beliefs should not be a factor when you have to make decisions,  de...

Seven Management and Planning Tools

The  Seven new Management and Planning Tools  have their roots in  Operations Research  work done after  World War II  and the  Japanese   Total Quality Control  (TQC) research. In 1979 the book  Seven New Quality Tools for Managers and Staff  was published and in 1983 was translated into English. The seven new tools include: Affinity Diagram  (KJ Method) Interrelationship Diagraph  (ID) Tree Diagram Prioritization Matrix Matrix Diagram Process Decision Program Chart  (PDPC) Activity Network Diagram Affinity Diagram This tool takes large amounts of disorganized data and information and enables one to organize it into groupings based on natural relationships. It was created in the 1960s by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita. Its also known as KJ diagram,after Jiro Kawakita. Affinity diagram is a special kind of brainstorming tool. Interrelationship Diagram This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and...

Can humans regrow fingers?

When a hobby-store owner in Cincinnati sliced off his fingertip in 2005 while showing a customer why the  motor  on his model plane  was dangerous, he went to the emergency room without the missing tip. He couldn't find it anywhere. The doctor bandaged the wound and recommended a skin graft to cover the top of his right-middle stub for cosmetic purposes, since nothing could be done to rebuild the finger. Months later, he had regrown it, tissue, nerves, skin, fingernail and all. This particular hobbyist happened to have a brother in the tissue-regeneration business, who told him to forego the skin graft and instead apply a powdered extract taken from pig's bladder to the raw finger tip. The extract, called  extracellular matrix , lays the framework that  cells  use to generate any given body part. It's like a cellular scaffolding, and all animals have it. It holds the signals that direct cells to divide, differentiate and build themselves into a specific fo...


The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers); The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media); The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions; Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome;  How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer. More @

Tips For Young Entrepreneurs

77 Thoughts on Motivation

You have a fire inside you, a frictional energy, read these thoughts, think about them and let them propel you into action. 1.  “I paint very large pictures. I realize that historically the function of painting large pictures is painting something very grandiose and pompous. The reason I paint them, however – I think it applies to other painters I know – is precisely because I want to be very intimate and human. To paint a small picture is to place yourself outside your experience. However you paint the larger picture, you are in it.”  - Mark Rothko 2.  “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”  - Henry Ford 3.  “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”  -T.S. Eliot 4.  “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”  - Albert Einstein 5.  “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”  -...