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Showing posts from May 22, 2011

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing  (1993) is a book by  Al Ries  and  Jack Trout . These are the chapter headings from The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, by Ries & Trout, Harper Business. 1. THE LAW OF LEADERSHIP. It is better to be first than it is to be better. 2. THE LAW OF THE CATEGORY. If you can't be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in. 3. THE LAW OF THE MIND. It is better to be first in the mind than to be first in the marketplace. 4. THE LAW OF PERCEPTION. Marketing is not a battle of products, it's a battle of perceptions. 5. THE LAW OF FOCUS. The most powerful concept in marketing is owning a word in the prospect's mind. 6. THE LAW OF EXCLUSIVITY. Two companies cannot own the same word in the prospect's mind. 7. THE LAW OF THE LADDER. The strategy to use depends on which rung you occupy on the ladder. 8. THE LAW OF DUALITY. In the long run, every market becomes a two horse race. 9. THE LAW OF THE OPPOSITE. If you ar...

15 Awesome And Inspiring Offices

My parents always said I have to choose a job where I’d be happy to go to everyday. A good work environment can really make a job more fun. Some companies really go the extra mile to make their employees happy. They often do this via a kick-ass office design. Let’s take a look at 15 beautiful workspaces. Google Zurich I’m sure you’ve seen this office plenty of times on the internet. This office is all about fun: it has a lot of specially decorated rooms in which employees can do their work. There’s even a game room for relaxation and a gym where you can work out. Check it out: Selgas Cano Architecture The Selgas Cano Architecture office, designed by  Iwan Baan , makes you feel like a part of nature. Thanks to the fact that the office is below ground level and the huge windows, you really feel encapsulated by plants and trees. This looks like a really peaceful environment that stimulates creativity. Twitter Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past five years, you’ve prob...