Over the last 20 years, I’ve worked with managers and leaders who all had their own unique style. If the job of being a leader was easy, there wouldn’t be 67,454 books written on the topic . Leader or company perfection is non-existent. There is no Nirvana in Corporate America — that’s why it’s called work! Simply put, leaders have to know their business and know people. The 10 points below are based on personal observations and unsolicited feedback I’ve gathered from colleagues throughout my career. My goal was to take a realistic and common sense approach without exaggerated jargon. Translation: Almost anyone can condition themselves to be an efficient leader. 1. Don’t do surveys to measure employee engagement. Employees won’t believe that they’re confidential (even if they are), nor will they give you honest feedback. 2. Don’t create new policies just because of one negative employee experience . Deal with the (negative) employee individually, but creating po...
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