NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander issued his warning in private government meetings, and Anonymous hasn’t yet been added to any public “threat list.” However Alexander, and other government officials, have expressed growing concern about America’s vulnerability to cyberattack. President Obama’s proposed 2013 budget, for example, considers cyberattacks to be among the “emerging threats for which the United States must be prepared,” alongside nuclear war and terrorism.
“The industry is engaged and stepping up widely to respond to emerging cyber threats,” an electric-industry official told The Wall Street Journal. “There is a recognition that there are groups out there like Anonymous, and we are concerned, as are other sectors.”
Other countries, such as China and Russia, are believed by some to be developing cyberwarfare plans against the U.S. alongside regular warfare if conflict ever breaks out. Plus, America’s current enemies could be interested in attacking the digital infrastructure of the U.S. as well. If Anonymous or other similar groups were “hired” by these countries or organizations, the hackers could more quickly become a threat to the U.S.
An Anonymous-affiliated blog called the NSA director’s concerns “ridiculous.”
“Why should Anonymous shut off power grid?,” said the post. “Makes no sense! They just want you to feel afraid.”
Do you think Anonymous could or would attack U.S. power grids? Let us know in the comments below.
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