Now that you know how to write that ever-so-perfect resume, it’s time to WOW potential employers with a cover letter that leaves them in awe of your skills, and gives you what you’re looking for — an interview, and hopefully a job!
Step 1: FIGURE OUT THE EMPLOYEE’S NAME and contact information.
When composing a cover letter, knowing the name of the employee to send your letter to, her position in the company, and the address of the company is crucial. An easy reason for someone to toss your application in the trash is spelling his or her name wrong. Put all this information on your cover letter — it may seem tedious but it’s professional and it gives an immediate indication that this isn’t a mass produced cover letter. “If you can get someone’s title that’s very important,” explains Beth Conyngham, President of Conyngham Partners, an executive search firm. To find someone’s title (if it is not on the job listing) try searching the company’s website, the person’s name (try LinkedIn!), or call the company and speak to a receptionist who will be able to give you more information. You do not necessarily need to put your own address on the letter—especially as that information should be on your resume. But definitely include immediate contact information (email/phone number)! Read on to find where you should include that information.
While this may seem pretty standard, it’s actually really important. Always send out cover letters in Times New Roman. It’s a classic font that won’t create problems. And explains “The serif font uses small horizontal lines and flourishes that carry the eye along and make the text easier to read than the rigid vertical lines of a sans serif font.” May sound pretty meaningless, but why risk it?
“It should be Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. COLON. A comma is informal and casual and a colon is business-like and this is business,” said Conyngham. But what to do if you’re faced with an ambiguous name like Devon or Ryan? “Ambiguous names, that’s always a quandary,” Conyngham said. “The proper thing to do would be to call the company and say I’m writing a letter to Devon/Ryan should I address them as Mr. or Mrs.?” Might be awkward but you know what would be more awkward? Getting it wrong. Other options to figuring out the person’s gender? Searching for the person on Google or Google images, or even Facebook.
Start with a basic introduction sentence to the cover letter such as: Please consider this letter and my attached resume for employment as a 2010 summer sales intern at Best Company, Inc.
“Every cover letter should be very specific to the job you’re going after,” Conyngham said. “If you’re applying for a job, it should be in response to your ad on or wherever you saw it. Reference the job, where you found it, and the date. If there is a number beside it you should reference that as well. You want to give the reader as much explicit information as you can about the job to which you are applying. Make it easy for them.” Then, don’t forget to say who you are! Quickly introduce yourself, your school, and your year! This is especially important if you’re applying for a job in a big company. Tell them you’re applying for an internship in the specific department you’re interested in or tell them what job you want. You wouldn’t want to be applying for a job in sales for a company and not specify the job…and then end up in human resources. Fail.

“Say something specific about the company BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT YOURSELF,” Conyngham said. “For example, ‘I’ve always been passionate about Your Company’ or ‘it’s always been in line with my career goals.’ This is either at the top or the bottom of your cover letter, not in the middle. There isn’t a right way or a wrong way to do that but it’s got to be included.” Make sure you make it clear why this is the company you want to work for. Make them feel special and as if they are your #1 choice! For example, if you wanted to work for Forever 21 you could say: “Forever 21 is a fast-paced environment which is ideal because I like working under pressure and quickly. I am particularly impressed with Forever 21’s ability to quickly take high fashion inspiration and turn it into affordable clothing that is exceptionally fashion forward.”
Choose your best qualities and state them clearly and efficiently in your second paragraph. If you say: I feel I am well qualified for this position because I am deadline-oriented, organized, a leader, a professional, a self-starter, a hard worker, creative, dedicated, positive, punctual, eager to learn, adaptable, sociable, dedicated, dynamic, reliable, mature, efficient, a team player, analytical, a problem solver, dependable, communicative, motivated, and have great attention to detail all you will do is BORE THEM WITH BUZZWORDS.
“ Avoid the buzzwords and in a sentence or two say something that really captures your experience and why you’re appropriate for this role,” Conyngham reiterated. “You should talk about your resume and the experience that relates to this job. My experience makes me uniquely qualified because of this, this and this.”

“Say when you’re available for an interview in person or on the phone and how to reach you. You should also say ‘If I don’t hear from you I will follow up with you next week.’ A cover letter should be followed up with an absolute date of when you will follow up with them if they don’t follow up with you,” explained Conyngham.
Conyngham’s advice? Close with a “very best regards” and your name (obviously) and call it a day. “I think you only want like two main paragraphs. Short and sweet,” Conyngham said, noting that reading cover letters gets tedious. But in my experience, if something on your resume needed particular clarifying—a unique position perhaps—it’s okay to clear it up, as long as you aren’t repetitive with what’s on your resume. Check out the model below for a guide about how to write the two main paragraphs and a closing paragraph! 

Then send that thing out and wait for a call back (and if not, touch base with them!) And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…a sample cover letter to show you how to put it all together!