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Showing posts from February 17, 2012

The Interviewing Cheat Sheet: 100 Resources for Interviewers and Candidates

There's no doubt that the interviewing process can be stressful, not only for the person applying for the job but for those doing the hiring as well. There are ways, however, to make job interviews a more rewarding and successful experience for both parties. With a little preparation and research, you can make interviewing a positive experience; read on to find useful articles and resources that will get you on the fast track to interviewing success. Sample Interview Questions Not sure what you'll be asked when applying for a job? Unsure of what to ask potential employees? These are a few lists of common interview questions that cover a wide variety of professions. Types of questions:   This article from the University of Manitoba lays out some of the basic types of questions asked at interviews including direct, indirect, hypothetical and behavioral questions. Fifty standard interview questions: lays out some of the most commonly used interview q...

Write That Ever-so Perfect Cover Letter

Now that you know  how to write that ever-so-perfect resume , it’s time to WOW potential employers with a cover letter that leaves them in awe of your skills, and gives you what you’re looking for — an interview, and hopefully a job! Step 1: FIGURE OUT THE EMPLOYEE’S NAME and contact information. When composing a cover letter, knowing the name of the employee to send your letter to, her position in the company, and the address of the company is crucial. An easy reason for someone to toss your application in the trash is spelling his or her name wrong. Put all this information on your cover letter — it may seem tedious but it’s professional and it gives an immediate indication that this isn’t a mass produced cover letter. “If you can get someone’s title that’s very important,” explains Beth Conyngham, President of Conyngham Partners, an executive search firm. To find someone’s title (if it is not on the job listing) try searching the company’s website, the person’s name (try ...

Facebook and Google Going Big on Online Display Ads

Feel like you saw more web banners and online ads this past year? You’re not imagining things. ComScore released its  U.S. Digital Future in Focus for 2012  on Friday and it showed big brands are pushing online display ads hard. In the last quarter of 2011, 145 advertisers delivered more than 1 billion display ad each, a 38% increase over the year before. And more of them are appearing on your Facebook account. Some usual suspects appear at the top of most ads for the year: AT&T (about 105.8 million), Experian (about 67.6 million) and Verizon (about 49.5 million). But Google broke through for the first time this year, delivering nearly 40.5 million online ad impressions. The reason for this sudden rise, comScore explains, is the battery of products Google is marketing, which include Google Chrome, Google Offers and Google+. A quick look at Google’s most recent annual report shows the company recorded a $700 million increase in advertising and promotion this past...

Who Owns Who