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Showing posts from June 11, 2012

This is how we perceive CEOs..Infographic

the OBJECTIVE Highlight executive compensation (as in, how much CEOs etc. are paid) in an interesting way. the ASSIGNMENT Create an infographic that explores how much corporate officers in this country are paid. The infographic could compare such data with related figures, like a company's profits, stock price, or the average salary of lower-level workers, or something else altogether. The winning entry will be the one that paints CEO salaries in the most interesting light. the REQUIREMENTS Send us an e-mail at projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with your infographic. It can be in any image format, but it should be high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi. Make sure to include your sources, and a brief (one or two sentence) introduction to your concept. We'll take submissions now through   September 30 . The winning entry will be announced on October 2, featured on our homepage, and printed in the next issue of GOOD. We'll send a GOOD T-shirt...

Stop all the talking and start walking to generate energy

Electric polarization in a substance resulting from the application of mechanical stress – that’s what Piezoelectricity is. It’s used in these: Eco-Enegry Flooring System pads that use the pressure applied by people walking, running, rolling over to squeeze piezoelectric blocks. Upon squeezing, energy is generated and stored on a paper battery system. Then, THEN, the energy is used for, what else? LED lights! The pads are actually made up of 6 layers. On top, the upper housing is water resistant, sealed with ultra-sonic welding to prevent moisture from entering the lower levels. Next, there’s the OLED board to be programmed with letters, patterns, all kinds of stuff to be lit up by the power below. Below that, sponge material working as cushioning and distribution of force and pressure. Under that, the Piezoelectric board containing crystal boards to generatre the energy. Below that PCB board. Below that the Paper Battery to store the energy. Then the bottom, the lower housing, the...