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Showing posts from June 25, 2012

Trolley Problem: How do you decide something is fair?

Would you pull a switch that sent a man to his death to save five others on a runaway trolley? It's a lovely day out, and you decide to go for a walk along the trolley tracks that crisscross your town. As you walk, you hear a trolley behind you, and you step away from the tracks. But as the trolley gets closer, you hear the sounds of panic -- the five people on board are shouting for help. The trolley's   brakes   have gone out, and it's gathering speed. You find that you just happen to be standing next to a side track that veers into a sand pit, potentially providing safety for the trolley's five passengers. All you have to do is pull a hand lever to switch the tracks, and you'll save the five people. Sounds easy, right? But there's a problem. Along this offshoot of track leading to the sandpit stands a   man   who is totally unaware of the trolley's problem and the action you're considering. There's no time to warn him. So by pulling the ...

The way you think about time has a big effect on behavior

This is a fascinating video that looks at the different ways that human beings perceive   time   and the effects that these perceptions have on our behavior: The video starts by identifying six ways to perceive time: 1) Looking at the past as “the good old times” (past positive) 2) Looking at the past as a time filled with regrets and failure (past negative) 3) Present Hedonistic – focused on maximizing immediate pleasure and minimizing immediate pain 4) Present Fated – things happen because of my conditions 5) Future oriented, working to succeed in the future. Resisting temptation. 6) Future oriented, focused on an afterlife Some fun facts that come from the video: - “Protestant countries have higher gross national products than catholic countries.” The protestant work ethic = work hard to succeed in the future. - In some countries (e.g. Italy) there are regions that have different time perspectives. In Italy, the north tends to be future-oriented,...

5 Unusual Ways to Become a Better Speaker

The art of captivating an audience can take years to develop. Since you don't have that long, here are some quick tips to improve overnight. You’ve been asked   to speak at an important event. It’s a great opportunity and you should be thrilled—but since you rarely speak, especially in a formal setting, all you can think about is bombing. Unfortunately, captivating an audience is definitely a skill that takes years to develop and hone. Since you don’t have that kind of time, here are five unconventional ways to become a better speaker almost overnight: 1. Share an emotional story.   Many speakers tell self-deprecating stories but few can resist including the Tom Cruise “ talk to me Goose ” moment (4:20, NSFW) when all your mistakes and poor decisions and ill-fated tower flybys over an Admiral’s daughter finally came to a head and transformed you into the wonderful person you are today. Admitting a mistake is great but not when used simply to show how far you’ve com...

Are startup accelerators a waste of time?

If you're an entrepreneur today looking to start a company, there's a decent chance you've looked at an accelerator program. The proposition is compelling: funding, access to resources, events, fellowship with other entrepenreurs, and introductions to venture capitalists who can fund your growth. Given the popularity of accelerator programs, which are now popping up all over the world, Aziz Gilani, a director at VC firm DFJ Mercury,   looked at   29 accelerators in North America as part of a study for the Kauffman Fellows program. His goal: evaluate them based on the number of exits they've produced. His findings: put simply, "there were not enough exits to evaluate." Only two of the 29 accelerators Gilani looked at, YCombinator and TechStars, had any exits of note. What's more, nearly half (45%) of the accelerator programs Gilani evaluated didn't produce a single graduate whose startup went on to raise venture capital financing. Gilani's...