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Showing posts from July 4, 2012

Hey, Who said education is not free?

All education is self-education.  Period.  It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in a college classroom or a coffee shop.  We don’t learn anything we don’t want to learn. Those people who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own are the only ones who earn a real education in this world.  Take a look at any widely acclaimed scholar, entrepreneur or historical figure you can think of.  Formal education or not, you’ll find that he or she is a product of continuous self-education. If you’re interested in learning something new, this article is for you.  Broken down by subject and/or category, here are several top-notch self-education resources I have bookmarked online over the past few years. Note that some of the sources overlap between various subjects of education.  Therefore, each has been placed under a specific subject based on the majority focus of the source’s content. Science and Health MIT OpenCourseWare   –...

Researchers use 3D printer, sugar, to create a fake artery network for lab-grown tissue

Printing a   chocolate heart   is easy enough, but how about an actual organ? There are folks working on it, but it turns out those   veins   of yours aren't exactly a breeze to replicate. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and MIT may have found a semi-sweet solution -- dissolving a sugar lattice in a batch of living Jell-O. The research team uses a   RepRap   3D printer   and a custom extruder head to print a filament network composed of sucrose, glucose and dextran which is later encased in a bio-gel containing living cells. Once the confectionery paths are dissolved, they leave a network of artery-like channels in their void. Tissue living in the gel can then receive oxygen and nutrients through the hollow pipes. The research has been promising so far, and has increased the number of functional liver cells the team has been able to maintain in artificial tissues. These results suggest the technique could have future research possib...

The Most Useful Websites and Web Apps

The sites mentioned here, well most of them, solve at least one problem really well and they all have simple web addresses (URLs) that you can easily learn by heart thus saving you a trip to Google. 01.   – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube. 02.   – for capturing   screenshots of web pages   on mobile and desktops. 03.   – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into   QR codes . 04.   unfurlr.come   – find the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL. 05.   qClock   – find the local time of a city using a   Google Map . 06.   – copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard. 07.   – a better search engine for twitter. 08.   – create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc. 09.   – the best place to find icons of...