You know what’s really under-rated in a career – and it goes for journalists, CEOs, bankers, traders, musicians, athletes, or plumbers? The old codgers still have it: U2 360 Tour, Anaheim, 17 June 2011 (Photo credit: InSapphoWeTrust) Staying power. There are certain people in any profession who seem to rise to astronomical prominence like a supernova. They are the talk of the town for the moment. And then, as quickly as they arrived, they seem to disappear. There are others who are fixtures. They’re always there churning out great work; year after year, decade after decade. They have an uncanny ability to persist and continue making great contributions to their field, even as other generations of colleagues rise and fall like waves on a beach. I think back to the people in my industry I remember 12 years ago when I was starting out at a software company doing early Siri-type voice applications. A lot of the CEOs who seemed destined for greatness are doing nothing today....
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