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Showing posts from October 19, 2012

How Technology Help Children Rise Above Disabilities

The caregivers of a child with a rare genetic disorder use a range of technologies like tablets and smart phones to help her learn, track her care and provide consistent learning experiences. London was born with a rare genetic condition, but with the help of everyday consumer technologies - from tablets, smart phones, apps and social media - she's learning new skills at a rapid rate. An experimental concept called The Connected Child enables London's caregivers to ensure that they're all on the same page with everything that she does, tracking her learning approaches to see what works and what doesn't. At nine years old, London is developmentally similar to a three-year-old. Tetrasomy 18p is so rare that there hasn't been enough research to determine the best approaches to help her learn basic academic and independent living skills.  The Connected Child is an experimental program using video models, a blog,  Facebook and a web app that keeps each caregi...

I Believe in 3D Printing: This is one of the reasons why

Building Smarter Cities and Internet Evolution