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Showing posts from December 19, 2012

More Than Half Of The Forbes’ 30 Under 30 In Tech Are Y Combinator Alums

Forbes released its annual  30 Under 30 lists  yesterday and a stunning 15 of the 30 companies that people on the  “Tech” list  work for are  Y Combinator  alumni companies . Because multiple people from the same company are counted as a single entry on the list, Y Combinator actually counts 23 of the 40 people, rather than entries, on the tech list as alums. Nate Blecharczyk, CFO of Airbnb; Adora and Aaron Cheung, cofounders of Pathjoy; Patrick and John Collison, cofounders of Stripe; Dave Fowler, founder of; Eric Frenkiel, cofounder of MemSQL; Adam Goldstein and Steve Huffman, cofounders of Hipmunk; Daniel Gross and Robby Walker, cofounders of Cue; Victor Ho and Matt Doka, cofounders of FiveStars; Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, cofounders of Dropbox; Alex Mittal and Boris Silver, co-founders of The FundersClub; Alexis Ohanian, cofounder of Reddit; Joshua Reeves, CEO of Zenpayroll; Blake Ross, who is listed on the Forbes list as senior ...

Making sense of the Instagram controversy

Instagram's new terms caught many off-guard Image Gallery  (4 images) Cisco - Cloud Computing  - Drive Innovation And Secure Your Data w/Cloud Storage. Learn Now! GPS Fleet Tracking  - Increase Fleet Productivity Get a Free Demonstration 3M Multi-Touch Displays  - 40 Finger Touch. 22"&32" HD Display Find The Display That Works For You BlackBerry® Bold™ 9900  - Get more of the speed, style and performance you love. Learn more. Ads by Google Nothing spreads on the internet like outrage. For evidence, look no further than today's Instagram kerfuffle. The Facebook-owned company announced new  terms of service , which allow it to capitalize on you and your photos. Unsurprising as the terms are, the backlash caught Instagram's attention, and the company responded. Is there still cause for concern? Coming to terms What's so outr...

Serious Entrepreneurs Master Media Training Early

Eric Migicovsky & Loic LeMeur @LeWeb London photo by Kmeron via Flickr Not so long ago, training to meet the press and television reporters was a realm reserved for top business executives only. Now, even the earliest stage startup can rise to visibility or be forever lost by their first media spotlight, so it behooves us all to know the rules early. Most entrepreneurs I know admit to a poor first media interaction, and many are still waiting for the instant replay. On the social media side, the stakes are just as great. Ask Eric Migicovsky, founder of  Pebble , who raised over $10 million on the Kickstarter crowd-funding platform for his relatively low-tech wristwatch with programmed clock faces. Kickstarter may take a bit of the credit for this, but they admit the majority of projects without media attention don’t even approach their funding goals. There are lots of expensive public and media relations firms out there who can give you the full treatment, but I reco...

E-commerce in Greece: The right side of the Styx?

JEFF BEZOS founded Amazon in 1994. Apostolos Apostolakis and his mates started , Greece’s biggest online retailer, just four years later. The comparisons end there. The Seattle juggernaut’s annual sales grow at double-digit rates; e-shop’s have been savaged by Greece’s depression. Amazon made its name selling books. E-shop was stymied by regulated book prices and shifted early into electronics. The Americans have indulgent shareholders while the Greeks were nearly undone by skimpy equity. Economic woes aside, Greece is tough terrain for online shopping. Less than half of Greeks are regular internet users compared with two-thirds of Europeans overall. More than 40% of Europeans shop online but fewer than 20% of Greeks do. Broadband connections are sparser and consumers are warier. Most refuse to submit credit-card details on line, preferring to pay cash on delivery. Islands make Greece an obstacle course for couriers. E-shop found clever fixes. It has a fleet of 50...

Google Ventures in 2012: $300M, 150 companies, and one Nobel Prize

Google Ventures is not-so-humbly bragging today about its activities in 2012, which included a huge number of additions to the portfolio, a whole lot of money trafficked through its portfolio apps, and even some ground-breaking research in medicine and science. In this year-end retrospective, the firm-within-a-company shares with us a video clip and infographic detailing some of the highlights from 2012. Of note is the firm’s breakdown of investments by sector. About a third of Google Ventures’ investments are in consumer web companies; another third makes up mobile startup investments. E-commerce grabs a 16 percent share of the pie, leaving 10 percent for big data investments, 6 percent for life sciences, and 5 percent for energy-startup deals. The GV team also got some high-profile new additions this year, most notably Digg founder Kevin Rose (read our  in-depth interview ) and Rose’s longtime business collaborator  Daniel Burka . We spent a good deal of time with...

Air and light and time and space