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Showing posts from January 16, 2013

After the Sale: Moving From Transactional Relationships to Engaged Ones

Shopping behavior has changed. Today, online, mobile, multi-screen, and multi-tasking are intrinsic to consumer lifestyles. An overwhelming number of purchase decisions are being made based on new sources of information, online social interactions, and real-time data and promotions. Additionally, customers expect brands and manufacturers to continue to provide support and product information across the entire lifecycle of the product. The good news is that on the back of this tough task is an opportunity. With the increase in consumer touchpoints, retailers can bank on going beyond short-term transactions to build long-term relationships. Savvy retailers are investing in processes and technologies that help them build mutually beneficial relationships with their customers. Retailers are aiming to increase the number of transactions, improve wallet share, build revenue, create depth of relationship, acquire valuable feedback, and strengthen loyalty levels. Meanwhile, consumers ex...

The Value of an Hour of Work - Country Comparison