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Showing posts from July 22, 2013

How to Start Your Business in 7 Days

Day 1 Finding Your Passion. You want to own a business. Why?  I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun. Thomas A. Edison To find your business passion, answer the following questions; What you would do even if no money were involved?  What activities have you done over the past month? Was it something you could do for someone? How? What product/ service was involved? Who would use your product or service?  My business should provide          because I enjoy doing         . Day 2 Define Your Business What type of business, who’s your customer and how do you make money? Businesses are make money because of one thing...customers! Before you do anything else, you must first decide who are your customers and how you will find them. Simply put, it’s revenue before expense! My business provides what? Who would buy that ? How would they find me? … Do...